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October 11, 2024

We are witnessing a rapid evolution of the media landscape as it has become increasingly driven by sophisticated algorithms. In this expansive world, media is playing a growing role in our lives, fast becoming 100% addressable, 100% shoppable, and 100% accountable. 

At dentsu, we call this the algorithmic era of media. 

This article is extracted from The Year of Impact | 2025 Media Trends, dentsu’s 15th annual trends report. Read on to learn how generative AI has already deeply impacted the lives of millions of people. We believe it will change how audiences consume media and interact with brands in 2025.  


 From siloed to embedded AI  

More than a quarter of European respondents to dentsu research believe generative AI will have a significant impact on their personal lives over the next 12 months. Yet, generative AI accessed through search engines has seen mixed results when it comes to repeated usage, and its success may reside more in its capacity to embed itself in daily services rather than bringing people to a unique but potentially siloed gateway.  

By moving outside the chat box, generative AI makes digital experiences more accessible to wider audiences. Reddit, for example, is experimenting with AI to translate its entire site into French, opening its content to millions of new users. Generative AI can also automatically generate alt tags to describe images for visually impaired people, or produce spoken versions of written content – a service already offered by many publications.  

The technology can elevate experiences as well. For example, the language learning platform Duolingo uses OpenAI’s GPT-4 technology to power its premium service Duolingo Max, offering a human-like tutor experience for learners. Spotify created an AI DJ that speaks between songs in a playlist, automatically blending in information about the music with other relevant information. 

These examples of tangible applications of large language models (LLMs) to make services more engaging and useful would have sounded like science fiction a few years ago – and may still sound like science fiction now! In a world where standards rapidly escalate, where everything increasingly just works, and where search provides complete answers, consumers will expect brands to be just as reliable and just as prescient.  


Beyond the magic  

Consumers are divided on the overall impact of the technology, with half (51%) of US respondents to dentsu research saying the positive effects will outweigh the negative effects. The top concern is about discerning AI involvement, with exactly half European respondents stating it will be hard to tell fake from real, and a great majority (84%) wanting brands to disclose when interactions are powered by generative AI.  

AI also has a huge environmental toll, as training and running AI requires a massive amount of energy and resources like minerals for batteries or water for cooling. While promising research is underway to make LLMs more energy-efficient, brands committed to carbon reduction strategy must be cognizant of the environmental impact to deliver against their targets.  


 What’s next?  

Generative AI will get embedded in our lives not only by spreading to more services, but also by adopting new form factors. Killer apps will emerge, lighter models will increase the possibilities for mobile and wearable applications, and multimodal models will enable more natural interactions through voice and a wider range of sensors.  


This is the first of ten trends discussed in dentsu’s The Year of Impact | 2025 Media Trends report.  

Get your copy of The Year of Impact | 2025 Media Trends report here to see all ten trends.